Foil Printing on Garments
Interested in adding a little “bling” to your custom garment designs? You should give custom foil printing on garments a shot! Foil is an easy way to add a whole new level of customization to garments because nothing grabs the attention quite like the luster of a foil design. If you want to be a custom garment designer with your own line, you should definitely consider foil printing on garments to help bolster sales, but don’t worry if you just want awesome foil prints for your own personal style too. Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we have the resources to make your custom foil printing dreams into a reality!
Foil Printing on Garments
So if you’ve heard about silk screen printing before, you don’t really need to stretch the imagination much farther to envision how foil printing works. The key difference is that we apply the foil portion of your design first in a clear adhesive ink. After the adhesive is printed we take a sheet of colored foil and heat press it to the design to permanently adhere the foil to the fabric. The foil only sticks to the adhesive so that when you peel the excess away, you are left with a gorgeous sparkling design! The best part about foil printing on garments is that you can use a whole array of foils to make all kinds of designs. We have every color in the rainbow plus tons of specialty printed foils that feature patterns and holographic finishes too, so you can make any artwork come to life.
How do you get your own foil printing on garments here at AMBRO Manufacturing? It’s simple because you only need to reach out to one of our representatives and we’ll be able to assist you from there. You can easily contact us to place an order, or to find out more about our company and all of the customization services we have to offer, by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.