Screen Printing With Plastisol Ink
There are many screen printing companies that are around that will do your printing for you, however it may not be with the quality you hope to get. Or there are just too many places around that it is hard to make a decision as to which printer to go to. AMBRO Manufacturing is the best place that you can get screen printing with plastisol ink done.
We have been in business for over 30 years and do a lot of jobs with plastisol ink. Screen printing with plastisol ink has a thicker feel to the print when it is done. The colors will come out bright and vibrant. We can mix any color of ink if you need something to match to, or you can choose from one of our custom ink colors that we have in house. Not only do we have the basic colors, but we also have specialty inks. These will include glitter and metallic inks. Screen printing with plastisol ink, it will last longer on the shirt after a lot of washes and still retain the bright color. We can also get a pretty soft feel with plastisol ink when it is printed on a white shirt, it will almost feel like it is not there.
Screen Printing With Plastisol Ink
Not many other places will have specialty inks for plastisol, but come to AMBRO Manufacturing and you will get more than what you hoped for. You can give us a call any time at (908) 806 8337 or you can email us and we will get back to you with anything you need to know about screen printing with plastisol ink. We are located in Flemington, New Jersey and can ship out to anywhere in the country. If you want to take a look around at the plastisol prints that we do, come to our show room. If you want to take a look around at the plastisol prints that we do, come to our show room.