Contract Screen Printing
When seeking out new Contract Screen Printing providers to assist in your screen printing projects, the task at hand is not a simple one. There are thousands of Contract Screen Printing companies in the United States and all of them come in a variety of sizes and shapes.
On the small end there are mom and pop organizations that operate out of their basement or garage, have a manual screen press, a small dryer and are capable of producing 500 shirts a day after which point they collapse from exhaustion.
Then there are medium sized shops that have 1 maybe 2 automatic machines, a large belt dryer and are capable of producing between 1,000 and 2,000 shirts a day.
And lastly, there are mega shops that have anywhere from 3 to dozens of automatic presses, multiple dryers and are capable of cranking out a tens of thousands of shirts a day.
Contract Screen Printing
Each potential Contract Screen Printing partner has their pros and cons. Things to think about when selecting the appropriate type of Contract Screen Printing partner are:
1. Are they big enough to produce the quantity of items that you need within the time frame that you need them.
2. Are they too big for you? Will you be treated like a customer or a number?
3. Do they have all of the capabilities that you need to complete your project or are they a specialist/one trick pony?
4. Can this company grow with you and satisfy not only your current requirements but your future needs as well.
5. Is their communication style and frequency to your liking?
Of course these are only a few of the things that you will want to think about, but this gives you a good head start on the best way to approach finding a new Contract Screen Printing partner.
If you are interested in exploring new Contract Screen Printing partners, we are interested in speaking with you. Please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.
Contract Screen Printing